BG Media

BookStar App®️

A digital library service delivering African History, Culture, Values and Heritage, through Music, Audiobooks, Podcasts and Vodcasts, to empower the next generation to build their self-love and confidence.

Audiobooks . Music . Podcasts . Vodcasts

Best works of the world’s authors rendered in audiobooks, along with great experience through music.

BG Media APP - Spirituality and Wellbeing

DJ Bonny (BAWAHALA) Mixes

BG Media App - West versus the Rest

BG Media app - World News Network

BG Media app - African Daily Digital News

Available Devices

BG Media for Windows 10


  1. Open the “” file
  2. Open the “\BGMedia_Desktop.Package_xxx_Test” folder
  3. Double-click the “BGMedia_Desktop.Package_xxx_x86_x64.msixbundle” file to install BG Media for Windows